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India Haylor
Apr 10, 20235 min read
Are you at risk of an OCD relapse?
There you are, finding your feet in early OCD recovery or bobbing along pretty nicely for some considerable time, when all of a sudden,...
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India Haylor
Apr 7, 20223 min read
When OCD + Autism co-habit!
Single diagnoses of OCD are becoming rarer. Instead, we are seeing a high rate of complex diagnoses where clients present with OCD and...
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India Haylor
Mar 12, 20223 min read
'Suck it and see' medication
It is no secret that medication for OCD is at best, imprecise, and at worst, arbitrary. This is due to the fact that there is, as yet, no...
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India Haylor
Jan 8, 20223 min read
This time I really am sick
The jury is still deliberating whether health-related OCD obsessions are a sub-set of OCD or whether they are a separate condition entirely
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India Haylor
Dec 11, 20212 min read
OCD treatment in Taunton, Somerset?
We've been lucky enough to be part of a growing community on social media who are highlighting the importance of safety and professional...
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India Haylor
Nov 22, 20214 min read
Caring starts with self-care
If you are supporting someone with OCD, you will already know that your role involves a unique set of challenges. Challenges that are speci
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India Haylor
Nov 18, 20213 min read
Handling the 'OCD Hangover'
Mornings can be bad if you have OCD. Have you woken to a feeling of dread and acute anxiety whilst being battered by intrusive thoughts?...
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India Haylor
Nov 10, 20213 min read
Not a NICE situation!
It is sadly the case that the UK mental health sector is paradoxical. On the one hand, we’ve blazed a trail in evidence-based health &...
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India Haylor
May 16, 20212 min read
When OCD's 'cure' is worse then the problem
As therapists with OCD we really do understand why our clients believe that their OCD fear is the most terrible thing that can happen.
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India Haylor
Feb 10, 20213 min read
OCD & Love
Don't believe the movies, love is never a simple concept. Neither is OCD and the combination of both can be messy and unwieldy.
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India Haylor
Jan 7, 20212 min read
Pure OCD: when pure isn't necessarily better
It is widely known that OCD consists of obsessions and compulsions. In more cases than not, obsessions are mental and covert (hidden)...
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India Haylor
Dec 22, 20202 min read
The importance of behaviour work in OCD recovery
At OCD Excellence, I talk a great deal about behaviour work, also known as exposure work, ERP, de-sensitisation and habituation. As a...
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India Haylor
May 29, 20202 min read
Yes, you're an addict!
If you suffer from OCD it would be a safe bet to assume you are, or have been, an AAA (anti-anxiety addict)
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